In memory of Prof. Yossi Nevo z”l

Yossi was, for many years, an influential figure who shaped the department in its path. He joined the department in 1975, at the time when Middle Eastern studies were established and thrived at the University of Haifa. His integration in the department was impressive. He was elected as its head in 1981 and led it with momentum and great success. Yossi has left his mark on many areas in the department, and most prominently- doctoral studies. For many years, he was the head of the PhD committee, and as such, he set high standards for the studies in this degree. Yossi had opened the gates, in the department’s curriculum, for Jordanian history and the Palestinian national movement during the years when these subjects were scarcely taught in universities in Israel and abroad. Yossi’s lectures on these subjects were fascinating for students and Middle East researchers alike.

Yossi was the student of two of the founding fathers of the research of Middle Eastern history in modern Israel- Prof. Gabriel Bar and Prof. Uriel Dan. He developed his own unique interest and focused on several subjects: research of the Jordanian nation and social history, research of the Palestinian national movement, research of the Israeli-Arab conflict, and research of the Saudi country. He had made major contributions to each of these subjects. His many books and articles have left their mark on the historiography of these matters, and he was highly esteemed and cherished among the historian community.

Yossi was a beloved lecturer for his students and an admired colleague. Everybody was seeking his advice and presence. He was known among the academic staff members for his kindness and modesty. His retirement in 2010 has left a void in the department, and his passing only a few years later has left his friends, colleagues, and students with grief and longing.

May he rest in peace.

Prof. Gadi Gilbar